How donations work


We are committed to make the donation process as transparent as possible.
At the end of every month we will donate to a great cause.
We will provide receipts below to prove our donations.
From september, we are now supportting Veritree to make Cardano the most eco-friendly blockchain in the world so let's do this together!

Donations history

Month by month Total Donation 2231₳

The donations history shows the monthly amount of ADA collected by the pool and the donations value in Euros. The Euros conversion is done with the opening price.


Month Donation Date Donation ₳ Ada Price € Donation € Proof
March 26/03/21 519 0.916 1000
April 01/05/21 172 1.130 195
May 30/05/21 867 1.150 997
June 04/07/21 199 1.190 237
July 02/08/21 90,99 1.1 101
August 02/08/21 83 2.4 200
September 02/10/21 200 1.94 388
October 02/10/21 100 1.94 194